Heroes Legends Wiki

​Haruu Bastion lived in Viridian, he is from the capital Cathedral. Haruu comes from a long lineage of Knights who have served under the past Saints. Son of the Knight Commander, Haruu received the best possible training while growing up, making him a formidable opponent. He left the city in search of the person who killed his father and betrayed Cathedral.


Haruu wears mostly black clothing. He wears a black long sleeve shirt and black pants. He wears black bandages that are tied over his pants from his toes to right below his knees. Haruu wears pieces of the Cathedral knights armor, his left arm is covered in the armor, as well as his right leg. The armor is a standard silver color. The black underclothes and silver armor is the classic outfit for a Cathedral Knight, although he doesn't wear all of the armor pieces. He wears a maroon cloth that is tied around his left bicep. The cloth was his father's, as all Knight Commanders are given a maroon headband. He has a leather harness that holds the sheath to his sword on his back. Haruu has violet hair as well as violet eyes. His hair is long and spiky, flowing towards the front. It is shorter on the sides and quite long on the top. He wears part of his air in a smaller ponytail in the back.

Cathedral's Destruction

After the destruction of Cathedral, Haruu's appearance changes drastically. He still wears the black shirt and pants and leg bandages that he used to wear, but he now wears pieces of the Saint armor instead. He wears the left arm armor, the chestplate, and the right shoulder/upper arm armor, as well as the grieves. he wears the iconic Saint mask as well, and the Maroon cape with the symbol of Cathedral on it. He still wears the maroon but instead of on his arm he wears it as a headband, like his father and the previous Knight Commanders. His hair is significantly longer and slightly darker and more red.


Death of Cero Bastion

Haruu decides to leave the city he grew up in, Cathedral, in order to locate the person who killed his father, Cero Bastion. His father had been out on a mission when he had confronted Ghost, the person who betrayed Viridian and stole the Starlight. Ghost killed Cero during the fight, and as a show of strength, brought the sword Roku back to Cathedral to show he killed the Knight Commander, their strongest fighter, and proclaimed the destruction of Cathedral was inevitable. Haruu, filled with anger, stole the sword and deserted the city in search of Ghost.

Cathedral's Demise

After the death of Kai Hikari, Haruu headed back to Cathedral to return the sword Shi back to the city. His eyes filled with fear as we saw that his city was destroyed. There were almost no survivors when he arrived. Saint Duren was among the rubble of Goldspire, barely clinging on to life. Duren informed him that Ghost had attacked the city in his absence. He told him to take the holy Saint armor and recover the other swords from among the rubble. Haruu Collects these swords and disappears for a year, following the instructions of Duren to locate the Temple of Light.



Roku is one of the six Blades of Aren. These blades are ancient weapons that have been Wielded by the elite in Cathedral for centuries. The blade has the hilt and guard of a katana, but the blade resembles a broadsword with a hollow middle section. There is a module on top of the guard that, when magical power is applied, generates electricity that fills the middle of the blade as well as shooting two small jets out of each side of it, giving the blade more of a broadsword look. The main ability of Roku is to send lightning slashes with each swing of the blade, with the size and power depending on the skill of the user. It can also shoot a blast of lightning, but this takes time as it has to charge more power in the center of the blade and then release it. After the destruction of Cathedral, Haruu obtains all of the Blades of Aren.

Devils Pot

Haruu has an item known as a Devils Pot. It is a small, ancient looking round clay pot with the kanji for "evil" written on it. there is a rope tied around the lip of the pot which Haruu ties to the sheath of Roku. The pot, when opened, shrouds the user in ash. The devils pot greatly enhances the physical prowess of the user, making them much faster and stronger. When used, the pot makes Haruu's hair longer and turn white, as well as making his eyes glow with a white aura. His skin also darkens to a charcoal color. His lightning turns white as well. The pot also gives a massive increase in magical power. Haruu can only maintain this form for about 15 minutes, because if he were to use it for any longer, the toll that the pot puts on his body could incapacitate him, leaving him vulnerable. Once used, the pot has to collect natural energy in order to be used again. This happens passively and does not require the user to do anything, but takes a while to collect.


Lightning Manipulation

He has the power of lightning which is common for where he lives. Although having a common power, he is quite proficient in its uses. He uses his powers to make lightning constructs for combat and miscellaneous uses. The unique way in which lightning is used by Haruu is from a technique taught exclusively in Goldspire, the palace in Cathedral. All children labeled with elite element control and who posses lightning affinities are taught this method from a young age. His lightning has a pale yellow color to it.

Light Manipulation

Haruu is later able to apply light to his lightning techniques. This gives him better construct control, as he is able to make more intricate structures that have much more defensive and offensive capabilities. His lightning and light combination structures are heavenly white in color, with some pieces being his normal pale yellow lightning color. These constructs appear to almost glow with a holy aura.
